// idades es un juego de comunicación, formado por una red de instalaciones modulares, dispuestas en espacios de tránsito //

// idades és un joc de comunicació, format per una xarxa d'instal·lacions modulars, disposades en espais de trànsit //

// idades is a game communication network formed by modular installations placed in transit spaces //

//Recently posted://

Online tutors suggest checking out the traveling art installation of Spanish-language books in Boston

I'm a foreigner, she declared. "Occasionally you lose sight of your origins. Having a place like this [Librera Donceles], which is stocked with books in your native tongue, really puts your roots and history to the fore and gives you something to occasionally explain to your daughter now that I am a parent and an artist. According to Giraldo, she has trouble teaching her 4-year-old daughter to speak Spanish. You may learn the language by working with Spanish online tutors here - https://livexp.com/skills/spanish. Children and adults can both enjoy this format.

castellano // english


// awarded
